Copying a Database ================== To copy a database within a single mongod process, or between mongod servers, simply connect to the target mongod and use the :meth:`~pymongo.database.Database.command` method:: >>> from pymongo import MongoClient >>> client = MongoClient('') >>> client.admin.command('copydb', fromdb='source_db_name', todb='target_db_name') To copy from a different mongod server that is not password-protected:: >>> client.admin.command('copydb', fromdb='source_db_name', todb='target_db_name', fromhost='') If the target server is password-protected, authenticate to the "admin" database first:: >>> client.admin.authenticate('administrator', 'pwd') True >>> client.admin.command('copydb', fromdb='source_db_name', todb='target_db_name', fromhost='') See the :doc:`authentication examples `. If the **source** server is password-protected, use the `copyDatabase function in the mongo shell`_. Versions of PyMongo before 3.0 included a ``copy_database`` helper method, but it has been removed. .. _copyDatabase function in the mongo shell: