Gevent ====== PyMongo supports `Gevent `_. Simply call Gevent's ``monkey.patch_all()`` before loading any other modules: .. doctest:: >>> # You must call patch_all() *before* importing any other modules >>> from gevent import monkey >>> monkey.patch_all() >>> from pymongo import MongoClient >>> client = MongoClient() PyMongo uses thread and socket functions from the Python standard library. Gevent's monkey-patching replaces those standard functions so that PyMongo does asynchronous I/O with non-blocking sockets, and schedules operations on greenlets instead of threads. Avoid blocking in Hub.join -------------------------- By default, PyMongo uses threads to discover and monitor your servers' topology (see :ref:`health-monitoring`). If you execute ``monkey.patch_all()`` when your application first begins, PyMongo automatically uses greenlets instead of threads. When shutting down, if your application calls :meth:`~gevent.hub.Hub.join` on Gevent's :class:`~gevent.hub.Hub` without first terminating these background greenlets, the call to :meth:`~gevent.hub.Hub.join` blocks indefinitely. You therefore **must close or dereference** any active :class:`~pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient` before exiting. An example solution to this issue in some application frameworks is a signal handler to end background greenlets when your application receives SIGHUP: .. code-block:: python import signal def graceful_reload(signum, traceback): """Explicitly close some global MongoClient object.""" client.close() signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, graceful_reload) Applications using uWSGI prior to 1.9.16 are affected by this issue, or newer uWSGI versions with the ``-gevent-wait-for-hub`` option. See `the uWSGI changelog for details `_.