GridFS Example ============== .. testsetup:: from pymongo import MongoClient client = MongoClient() client.drop_database('gridfs_example') This example shows how to use :mod:`gridfs` to store large binary objects (e.g. files) in MongoDB. .. seealso:: The API docs for :mod:`gridfs`. .. seealso:: `This blog post `_ for some motivation behind this API. Setup ----- We start by creating a :class:`~gridfs.GridFS` instance to use: .. doctest:: >>> from pymongo import MongoClient >>> import gridfs >>> >>> db = MongoClient().gridfs_example >>> fs = gridfs.GridFS(db) Every :class:`~gridfs.GridFS` instance is created with and will operate on a specific :class:`~pymongo.database.Database` instance. Saving and Retrieving Data -------------------------- The simplest way to work with :mod:`gridfs` is to use its key/value interface (the :meth:`~gridfs.GridFS.put` and :meth:`~gridfs.GridFS.get` methods). To write data to GridFS, use :meth:`~gridfs.GridFS.put`: .. doctest:: >>> a = fs.put("hello world") :meth:`~gridfs.GridFS.put` creates a new file in GridFS, and returns the value of the file document's ``"_id"`` key. Given that ``"_id"`` we can use :meth:`~gridfs.GridFS.get` to get back the contents of the file: .. doctest:: >>> fs.get(a).read() 'hello world' :meth:`~gridfs.GridFS.get` returns a file-like object, so we get the file's contents by calling :meth:``. In addition to putting a :class:`str` as a GridFS file, we can also put any file-like object (an object with a :meth:`read` method). GridFS will handle reading the file in chunk-sized segments automatically. We can also add additional attributes to the file as keyword arguments: .. doctest:: >>> b = fs.put(fs.get(a), filename="foo", bar="baz") >>> out = fs.get(b) >>> 'hello world' >>> out.filename u'foo' >>> u'baz' >>> out.upload_date datetime.datetime(...) The attributes we set in :meth:`~gridfs.GridFS.put` are stored in the file document, and retrievable after calling :meth:`~gridfs.GridFS.get`. Some attributes (like ``"filename"``) are special and are defined in the GridFS specification - see that document for more details.