TLS/SSL and PyMongo

PyMongo supports connecting to MongoDB over TLS/SSL. This guide covers the configuration options supported by PyMongo. See the server documentation to configure MongoDB.

Basic configuration

In many cases connecting to MongoDB over TLS/SSL requires nothing more than passing ssl=True as a keyword argument to MongoClient:

>>> client = pymongo.MongoClient('', ssl=True)

Or passing ssl=true in the URI:

>>> client = pymongo.MongoClient('mongodb://')

This configures PyMongo to connect to the server using TLS, verify the server’s certificate and verify that the host you are attempting to connect to is listed by that certificate.

PyMongo attempts to use the operating system’s CA certificates to verify the server’s certificate when possible. Some versions of python may require an extra third party module for this to work properly. Users of Python 2 on Windows are encouraged to upgrade to python 2.7.9 or newer. Users of Python 3 on Windows should upgrade to python 3.4.0 or newer. If upgrading is not possible wincertstore can be used with older python versions. Users of operating systems other than Windows that are stuck on python versions older than 2.7.9 can install certifi to use the Mozilla CA bundle for certificate verification.

Certificate verification policy

By default, PyMongo is configured to require a certificate from the server when TLS is enabled. This is configurable using the ssl_cert_reqs option. To disable this requirement pass ssl.CERT_NONE as a keyword parameter:

>>> import ssl
>>> client = pymongo.MongoClient('',
...                              ssl=True,
...                              ssl_cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_NONE)

Or, in the URI:

>>> uri = 'mongodb://'
>>> client = pymongo.MongoClient(uri)

You can also configure optional certificate verification, if a certificate is provided by the server:

>>> import ssl
>>> client = pymongo.MongoClient('',
...                              ssl=True,
...                              ssl_cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_OPTIONAL)
>>> uri = 'mongodb://'
>>> client = pymongo.MongoClient(uri)

Specifying a CA file

In some cases you may want to configure PyMongo to use a specific set of CA certificates. This is most often the case when using “self-signed” server certificates. The ssl_ca_certs option takes a path to a CA file. It can be passed as a keyword argument:

>>> client = pymongo.MongoClient('',
...                              ssl=True,
...                              ssl_ca_certs='/path/to/ca.pem')

Or, in the URI:

>>> uri = 'mongodb://'
>>> client = pymongo.MongoClient(uri)

Client certificates

PyMongo can be configured to present a client certificate using the ssl_certfile option:

>>> client = pymongo.MongoClient('',
...                              ssl=True,
...                              ssl_certfile='/path/to/client.pem')

If the private key for the client certificate is stored in a separate file use the ssl_keyfile option:

>>> client = pymongo.MongoClient('',
...                              ssl=True,
...                              ssl_certfile='/path/to/client.pem',
...                              ssl_keyfile='/path/to/key.pem')

These options can also be passed as part of the MongoDB URI.